Resources to Help Create a Safe Zone Training

by Andrew Salman, 2014 Campus Pride Summer Fellow, Western Kentucky University

safezone1Safe Zone Training (also often referred to as Safe Space) can be an important first step and ongoing process toward improving campus climate for LGBTQ students.Ā  Safe Zone Trainings help teach faculty, staff, and sometimes student leaders how to create safe spaces and how to act as allies for LGBTQ students. Assessment results from two different institutions (Iowa State University and Duke University) show that their individual programs increased visibility, improved the environment, increased conversations, and increased the comfort level of the participants in the program (Evans, 2002; Poynter & Lewis, 2003).

Planning a training for your schoolā€™s faculty and staff may seem like a daunting task but you don’t have to recreate the wheel. Ā Many campuses have Safe Zone trainings. Ā Campus Pride can help you assess you campus needs and create a Safe Zone training based on your unique challenges and campus climate. Ā There is currently no standardized training manual for institutions of higher education, meaning each schoolā€™s training is uniquely tailored to that school and its needs. Please Note: Campus Pride is currently working on a resource guide with a national Safe Zone program to share with campuses who wish to have a standardized logo, curriculum and format for training. The guide will be available in Spring 2015.

HereĀ are some resources that may help you or your committee develop a Safe Zone training for your school. Ā Take your time researching what other campuses are doing and finding what would work on your campus. Ā Campus Pride also encourages you to use theĀ LGBTQ Architect to find model Safe Zone programs.

The Importance of Safe Zone

Campus Pride: The Importance of Safe Zone

How To Establish a Safe Zone Program

HRC: Establishing an Allies Safe Zone Program


Model Safe Zone Guide from North Dakota State University

NDSU 2012-2013 Safe Zone Packet


Information, Terms, and Definitions to Use:

LGBT 101:

Unitarian Universalists’ LGBTQ Identity Page



Transgender 101:

Sylvia Rivera Law Project Trans 101

GLAAD Trans 101


Campus Pride: Transgender Allyship and Advocacy

Campus Pride: Being an Ally to Queer People of Color

Campus Pride: How to Be an LGBT Ally

Campus Pride: Power of an Ally ACTION GUIDE


Example Safe Zone Logos:

There is no standardized Safe Zone logo for colleges and universities, but many use recognizable LGBTQ symbols, such as the invertedĀ triangle, pink color palettes, and rainbow motifs. Ā It may be helpful to include details pertaining specifically to transgender identities in your logo if your training highlights themĀ as well. Ā These stickers and logos help students identify who has completed Safe Zone training and is a safe authority figure to talk to about issues involving their LGBTQ identity and campus climate.




Evans, N. (2002) The impact of an LGBT safe zone project on campus climate. Journal of College Student Development, 43, 522-539.

Poynter, K. & Lewis, E. (2003) SAFE on campus assessment report. Durham, NC: Duke University, Center for LGBT Life.



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