Advisor Academy

LGBTQ Professional Academy for Advisors (aka Advisor Academy)


Do you enjoy advising LGBTQ college students, but wish you could be more equipped with the most effective information, tools and resources? Campus Pride has the skill-building retreat just for you — the LGBTQ Professional Academy for Advisors (aka Advisor Academy). The event is in coordination with Camp Pride and brings together LGBTQ student advisors and higher education staff who support LGBTQ youth from around the country. At the academy, you will have the opportunity to expand your knowledge, enhance your skills as well as collaborate with others who share your passion for advising and creating safer, more welcoming communities.




Full and partial Advisor Academy scholarships are available on a limited basis.  Scholarships will be awarded starting in April and on a rolling-basis thereafter. Applicants who have already registered and paid will be refunded any scholarship monies at the time of the event. Due to a limited capacity, we do encourage you to register for Advisor Academy ASAP. Campus Pride seeks a diverse cohort of student leaders/advisors and these scholarships assist in this commitment across race, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, socio-economic and geographical boundaries.  Apply for a scholarship now.

ADVISOR ACADEMY is for YOU, if you want to:

  • Develop your understanding of LGBTQ identity development models
  • Reflect upon how LGBTQ identity development may influence the functioning of your LGBTQ student group and your advising
  • Learn effective advising models/theories and apply them to your work
  • Dialogue and strategize about how your students can engage in positive and meaningful relations with other university and campus constituents
  • Develop a network of colleagues from across the country who can help you grow during camp….and long after it is over
  • Craft an advisor action-plan with long and short term goals

What LGBTQ Advisors/Staff are Saying:

“The most valuable outcome from [Advisor Academy], for me, was the opportunity to network with people from other institutions — and each of us serves a different role on our own campus. I was able to gauge my own work (and institution’s) policies against others in a comfortable way, all while learning tactical ways to keep moving in the right direction for LGBTQ inclusion.”
— Paul S. Hengesteg, Program Coordinator, Office of Equity and Inclusion, University of Delaware

As a faculty member new to student org advising, I found this camp extremely helpful. My skill set is more in feminist and queer theory, so learning about the many different roles one might find in student/residential life and how other LGBTQ centers operate was tremendously enlightening. Best of all, I now have a group of colleagues(and friends!) from all over the country whom I can consult when I get stuck or need advice. I strongly recommend this camp.”
— Dr. Kirstin Ringelberg, LGBTQ Office Coordinator and Art History Professor, Elon University

“At my college, we are just beginning to support LGBT people and issues.  What I learned at camp and the people I met have been and continue to be invaluable in helping to make my campus a more welcoming place for LGBT people.”
— Dr. Catherine Rock, Associate Professor, English Department, Stark State College

Corona Virus Awareness/Preparedness:  Campus Pride is closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation and plans to fully implement all CDC guidance to help stop the spread of the virus. Camp Pride/Advisory Academy is moving ahead as scheduled, but we are aware that some campers may not wish to travel. Therefore, registered participants may be substituted prior to July 1, 2020 or may defer their participation for one year.

While at Camp Pride/Advisor Academy, participants will be given hand sanitizer and we will employ social distancing best practices, including discouraging hand shakes. We strongly advise all participants, and everyone everywhere, to remember to wash your hands with soap and warm water frequently and for at least 20 seconds, especially after being in a public space, after using the restroom, after sneezing or coughing, and before eating or drinking.