2023 Campus Pride Star Award Order

Every student deserves to go to a college that is inclusive and a safe space – to learn, live and grow. The work you do to make your campus more inclusive and welcoming for LGBTQ people should be celebrated and recognized. It takes countless hours and work by the entire campus community.

Campus Pride wishes to continue our support and recognition for your tireless efforts.  You have been a valued partner with the Campus Pride Index and we know that LGBTQ prospective students and families want to visibly see your progress and achievement.

Now you can show your Campus Pride and your star rating with these LGBTQ-Friendly Star Rating Award Recognitions.  The first is our Campus Pride LGBTQ-Friendly Novalise Star Award standing trophy for displaying in the President’s Office, Diversity Office and/or LGBTQ Center/Office.  And the second option is a traveling award recognition perfect for table displays at resource fairs, college admission fairs and open houses.

If you choose to order, please submit your order below NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 15, 2023.


Campus Pride LGBTQ-Friendly Novalise Star Award

Novalise Star Trophy for President’s Office, Diversity Office and/or LGBTQ Center/Office




PRICE: $255

Recognize your LGBTQ-Friendly Star Rating from the Campus Pride Index with this Nova Star Award.  YOUR UNIVERSITY NAME will appear on the award along with YOUR STAR RATING.  Celebrate your LGBTQ progress and achievement with this stunning Nova Hemisphere Award. It’s a great choice as a gift to the President’s Office or on display in the LGBTQ Resource Center/Diversity Office.

 Height 6 inches, Width: 6 inches;  Packaging: Birchmount Box


Campus Pride LGBTQ-Friendly Star Rating Recognition

Table Display for Resource Fairs/Admission Fairs/Open House



PRICE: $155

Personally and boldly etched with YOUR UNIVERSITY NAME and YOUR STAR RATING from the Campus Pride Index. Beautiful Chiltern Paperweight purposefully rainbow colored and perfect for table display at college resource fairs, admission fairs, open houses, etc. Guaranteed to welcome LGBTQ people with its rainbow sparkle and proudly showing your Campus Pride; Height 3 inches, Width: 2 inches; Optical Crystal – Packaging: Carrington Box



Plus shipping/handling: Starting at $22.75 (U.S./Canada Only) 

Credit Card Payments Only.  Allow 2-3 weeks from order date for shipment to arrive.