Campus Pride Alternative Breaks

CMU_USC_AltBreaks_2014Campus Pride hosts Alternative Breaks throughout the academic year including fall, winter, spring and summer breaks. Since 2013 Campus Pride has become a national site selection for LGBTQ education and activism focused break options for college students. Students have opportunities to engage with the local LGBTQ community in Charlotte, NC. Many of Campus Pride’s resources are dedicated to southern and rural college communities which continue to focus outreach to these areas.

Alternative Break students will learn the basics of LGBTQ activism and outreach, interact with the LGBTQ community in Charlotte, draw connections to making changes on campus as well as other objectives that build a long-lasting foundation of understanding.

To include Campus Pride in your Alternative Breaks on campus email or call 704-277-6710.

Participating colleges:


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Partners and sponsors of local Alternative Breaks:





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Campus Pride is the leading national educational organization for LGBTQ and ally college students and campus groups building future leaders and safer, more LGBTQ-friendly colleges and universities. The organization provides resources and services to thousands of college students and nearly 1400 campuses annually. Learn more online at